Everything started when I decided to run a ‘twitter fan page’ for Care Bears on Fire. It started as almost nothing; it was just a little twitter profile with no more than 3 followers and no website. I decided to make it grow, these girls really deserve more than just a twitter profile, so I searched for a free hosting and I opened the site on Blogger (I already knew Blogger and how to use it). The website opened on January 10th, 2011, with the first layout ‘1.0 – We Don’t Care! (So messy!)’, designed by me, Inés.
My first decision was to start as a kind of fan club, posting something about their style and music, but something made me change ways.
The same day I opened the website, I sent to Sophie’s twitter (@sophieonfire) a reply, asking her to check out the fan page.
My tweet was like this:
@choosecbof: @sophieonfire take a look!
I wasn’t really expecting for a reply, I just wanted to try luck, and even like that, I got a reply from her, it was like this:

I thought ‘Well, maybe now it’s better to start posting news’ so I did it.
I think Sophie was the only one in the band who knew about the fan page, but on the day of my birthday, January 27th, things changed and Jena knew about it. I also got two replies, on from Jena (@jenaonfire) and one from Sophie (@sophieonfire) qishing me a happy birthday, what was too sweet from their part.

And here we are, and this is all by now. I hope to make it grow and I ope you, fans, can helps us and spread the band, thank you.

Name: CHOOSE CARE BEARS ON FIRE! (choose cbof)
Online Since: 10.01.11; twitter: some weeks before.
Webmistress: Inés.
Layout: by Inés
Version: 1.0 - We Don't Care! (so messy!).

 In case you want to know a bit more about who runs this page, you can read here some more about me:

NAME: Inés
FOR ME, CBOF IS: Not only a great band with an amazing music, but a demostration of how to live for today, do what you like and tell what you feel and learnig that those who matter don't care and those who care don't matter. A demostration of how to be yourself and take every chance. A demostration of how to follow your dream no matter how young you are.
FAVORITE MUSICS (CBOF): Red Lights, ATM, Heart's Not There.
OTHER BANDS I LIKE: Hey Monday, Hole, Paramore, Bikini Kill, Oasis, Las Robertas, All Time Low, Mcfly, FTSK, etc...


I'm not searching for affiliation by now, but if you have a website and you want to affiliate it with Choose CBOF, send an email to with the subject 'Affiliation'. Put into the email the details of your webpage (website status), incluiding contact, link, your name, the website's name.
I'll try to answer your email accepting or not the affiliation as soon as posible.
If I accept it, there must be a link to this website on your website, and I'll put yours here. Thank you.